Jednostavne Linije i Pročišćeni Dizajn
Svakom odjevnom predmetu posvećujemo se sa puno pažnje i promišljanja.
Volimo odjeću i torbe koje se lako kombiniraju i traju vječno: nosite stalno i volite zauvijek!
Life is too short to wear boring clothes
Dizajnirano i proizvedeno s ljubavlju u Hrvatskoj, EU.
Sve je počelo
jednom torbom
Naša dizajnerica Ana htjela je
napraviti savršenu torbu za sebe.
Danas ponosno možemo reći da
imamo više od 10 godina iskustva
u dizajniranju i izradi savršenih
torbi i odjeće.
Posljednje u Journalu

Keep It Cosy
Since we are all staying home a lot lately, many designers and fashion houses decided to add cosy leisurewear lines into their production. Track pants, leggings, loose T-shirts and soft…
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Animal Print
It can give a touch of sass if you discretely add it to, for example, all black combination. Or it can make a whole outfit stand out if you decide…
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Sweater Weather
Sweater weather has arrived and it is time to to take our warm, cuddly friends out of the closet. If you haven’t found you favourite sweater yet, don’t worry, there…
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